
24-Hour Safeline

If you are experiencing an emergency, please contact 911.
Confidential assistance is available 24 hours a day to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, or human trafficking. You can connect to Center for Domestic Peace’s Safeline by calling (828) 586-1237. You can also ask a 911 center dispatcher to connect you with the on call advocate from Center for Domestic Peace.

Emergency Shelter

Emergency shelter is essential for survivors and their minor children who are fleeing abusive
situations. Center for Domestic Peace works with victims to coordinate emergency shelter needs. The shelters provide a safe residence and support for victims and their minor children. Shelter is available for Jackson County residents through partnerships with other Domestic Violence Service Providers in the area. Center for Domestic Peace is in the process of constructing a shelter in Jackson County with an expected completion date in late 2024. 

Advocacy for Victims of Sexual Violence

Sexual Violence violates a person’s trust and feelings of safety. It occurs any time a person is forced, coerced, and/or manipulated into any unwanted sexual activity. An advocate can serve as a rape crisis companion and accompany a survivor to a hospital or forensic exam. A forensic exam is a specialized exam and treatment process for survivors of sexual assault to address immediate medical needs and preserve evidence of the assault. Thanks to a partnership with Harris Regional Hospital, there is a team of trained forensic nurses on call that can complete these exams for survivors at any time.

Resources for Victims of Human Trafficking

Human Trafficking occurs when their is exploitation and profit at the expense of adults or children by compelling them to perform labor or engage in commercial sex. The outward appearance of human trafficking can manifest in many different ways and is not always readily apparent that is is occurring when seen by an outside party. Many resources exist for victims of human trafficking, however, identification and extraction of the victim is often the most complicated part. If you suspect human trafficking please report it.

Court Advocacy

For survivors who pursue legal action against their abuser, attending court proceedings can be intimidating and scary.
Court Advocates assist victims of domestic violence and sexual assault who decide to pursue legal action or protection. Court Advocates are available to attend hearings with survivors to help them understand the legal process, accompany them in meetings with law enforcement officers and the district attorney, support them in facing abusers, assist them in processing the outcome of the hearing, and work with them in creating a safety plan. Our advocates can assist in filing ex parte civil protective orders, refer survivors to Legal Aid of NC for civil legal advice, and accompaniment to the Magistrates office to file charges.

Child/Youth Advocacy

Domestic violence has no regard for age. Center for Domestic Peace serves children and youth who experience or witness domestic violence. Our Advocates are available to inform youth of their rights, provide age-appropriate counseling, connect youth with peer support groups, assist youth in court proceedings, and help youth create safety plans. Additionally, Center for Domestic Peace offers teen dating intervention and community outreach programs. If appropriate, Advocates coordinate services with Advocates from Child Advocacy Centers and/or Social Workers from the Department of Social Services.